петък, 23 септември 2011 г.

EvilMrSod - A truly rock 'n' roll soul (English)

Besides that that he is a great musician and truly dedicated artist Pablo Rodriguez aka. EvilMrSod he has a great website that I sincerely recommend you to visit. There you will find news, all his albums released till now, which you can order, a list of his upcoming shows. Enjoyable for me, beside music of EvilMrSod, which is a mixture of country rock, folk rock, blues rock, but still EvilMrSod mood and this is that Pablo is grateful for my review on "El Cuervo" EP' 2010 and expresses gratitude to me, like my review and post a link to my blog, which means a lot to me and what I do and write. Just see his site, listen to his music and be sure in power of rock 'n' roll. In addition to I wish him health and wish much success for him, and to make a lot of music as he knows. Soon I will want to reviewed other his work. He has something to offer. See website, great well arranged and with the necessary information, come on, are you still here.

EvilMrSod Web Site